MusicThe effect of music For adolescents and children
The effect of music For adolescents and children

The effect of music For adolescents and children

Today, music has exceeded the limits of entertainment or excitement, so that its cognitive effects are stronger and more suitable as a method of increasing mental power, concentration,music For adolescents and childrenĀ  motor skills and coordination of the senses than any other method. For example, it can be pointed out that children who are familiar with music are more alert and accurate in relation to auditory stimuli.

Children are very interested in discovering the world around them, which is full of sound and music. It seems that these auditory stimuli can lead to satisfying the child’s curiosity through game tools. In addition, children actively seek to discover and understand their musical environment and naturally; They show interest in sounds, singing and musical instruments in the training course. Many educators believe that today music is a constant companion of children, whether they listen to music through radio, television, tape recorders, and in public places, and even a group of them play with musical instruments – while taking them everywhere. and also you can listen and download musics for Children and adults in melorafy. They are accompanied – they are exposed to music. Thus, as long as music is available to children at this level, the best thing is to educate them.

Does music make children aggressive?

Children’s music can be one of the factors of creating order for them. If we look at the development factors of the western world, the first remarkable point is discipline. They have been making music since childhood and group work creates order for them. If any of the members of this group performs incoherently, others will feel it, and therefore compliance with this harmony will create order and awareness. In addition to causing spiritual happiness for children, music indirectly creates this order within them.

Today, it has been proven that music plays an important role in a child’s life, one of the most important of which is the development and strengthening of the two sides of the brain, the development and strengthening of the child’s speech and socialization. When we pay attention to the history of human growth and development, it can be seen that music has always accompanied him in all moments of human life. As Aristotle says: Since music has a great impact on the formation of personality, it is necessary to teach it to our children.

Does music make children aggressive

Music brings joy and happiness to children, develops auditory recognition skills and thereby strengthens physical and motor skills. Music brings balance and emotional development of the child. Music encourages isolated children to share with each other, and aggressive children are less resistant to it, and the child learns self-respect from music class and gains self-confidence.

The most important goals of music for children and teenagers:

Strengthen the sense of self-confidence

– Blooming creativity of children and teenagers

A stronger understanding of music by children and adolescents

– Strengthening good hearing and spoken language in children and teenagers

– Establishing the main principles and infrastructure of music science and recognizing their ability in music

– Strengthening the sense of cooperation in group work, which makes their behavior take a positive direction in social life
Also, it has a positive effect on children who have stuttering, depression, isolation, aggression, lack of self-confidence, hyperactivity and even poor understanding of mathematics.

– Targeting children and teenagers and creating interest in music so that a few percent of them are willing to drop out of music classes after starting a specialized instrument.

The most important goals of music for children and teenagers

– Acquaintance of children and teenagers with national and international instruments so that they can choose a specialized instrument according to their interest and consciously and with the opinion of the teacher.

In the West, practicing music and other arts is seen as a means to improve and develop children’s personality, and they do not say that children must learn music and must perform. While if they can’t, they are not discouraged and their taste is not destroyed by this, on the contrary, they perform concerts at school (and sometimes even wrongly), perform anyway, have fun and become cheerful and lively. . A huge part of education depends on parents. They should allow us to lead the children in a direction that will increase their creativity. Ask the children to share what they learn in class. Parents who have a better understanding of the goals of music education notice that children have a better sense of life, a sense of beauty, a sense of happiness, a sense of rhythm, a sense of hearing well, and even drawing well and concentration. do

Our society needs to improve the scientific understanding of music in order to find an opinion on the vast and intellectual space of the world of music and understand music more and take it well. The requirement for this promotion is to raise the scientific and cultural level of the society, and this path will not be possible unless these changes are applied in a radical way. Root means working on children and teenagers. Children and teenagers who are the future makers of the society and can transform the scientific and cultural level of the society during one or a generation.

Children love music and feel it wholeheartedly.

In the meantime, the methods of teaching music to children and teenagers, which is a combination of the principles of psychology, music science, education science and dozens of other parameters, play a significant role for the sake of our children, let us from the time they are in the cradle. , to teach them music so that in the future, they have an original mind, a high sense of values and bright abilities.

How does music affect your brain?

Experts in the field of how music affects the human mind are trying to understand how our brain can hear and play music.

How does music affect your brain

An investigation of the effect of music on brain waves in a quantitative electroencephalography study found that sound vibrations tickle the eardrum, are converted into an electrical signal, travel down the auditory nerve to the brainstem, where they re-enter what we perceive as music. becomes.

According to the researchers, since music is a structure of mathematics and architecture, your brain has to do a lot of calculations to understand it.

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