MusicAll Kinds of Music
All Kinds of Music

All Kinds of Music

There are many All Kinds of Music in the world. In fact, musical styles are the characteristics of a piece of music in terms of regional or geographical roots, time period, technique of performing the piece, social functions, as well as the type and style of musical instruments used in the piece.

In general, To describe the characteristics of pieces of music, style and They say type and genre.

In other words, we can say that the style of music is rooted in the original culture and art of a region. And in general, they use it to express opinions and even protest about a subject.

Today, there are various styles of music in the whole world, and the basis of each of those styles, such as the period of its origin and the person who created it, as well as how it emerged, are:

  • Local and traditional music
  • Art music
  • Pop music
  • and religious music

All kinds of music styles

In the following, we will explain the most important types of music styles.

Classical music style

One of the oldest styles of music is classical music and it is known as the foundation of all styles of music which has been popular in many parts of the world and was known for the first time in Europe and America.

This style of music has come from many contrasting modes and includes a large collection of styles that are related to each other. In classical music, the notes are usually clear.In general, classical music has 4 periods: Baroque, Romantic, Modern Classical and Classical.

In this style, it is common to use various instruments such as strings, woodwinds, and brass.

Rock music style

Rock is one of the famous music styles that has many fans. This style is one of the types of pop music that originated from rock and roll.

Rock music

Elvis Presley is one of the most famous singers of this music style, who is called the king of rock. Early in this style, they used brass wind instruments such as saxophone, but with the passage of time secondary instruments such as piano, guitar, etc. were used more.

Baroque music style

This style of music shows the glory of the aristocracy and it means the skilled makers. In fact, the characteristics of this style include definite and uniform rhythms of the music. Wind instruments are mostly used in this style of music. George Frederick, Handel and Johann Sebastian are famous composers of this style of music.

Jazz music style

Jazz music style was developed in the late 19th and early 20th century among black people of African descent in New Orleans, USA. In fact, this style of music is the first important style that became famous and popular in America. The characteristics of this style of music include pauses, improvisation, questions and answers, polyrhythms, swinging beats, and also using elements of western music. Making jazz musical instruments requires high knowledge and expertise due to their complexity. Among the most famous artists of this style of music are Malice Davis, Jelly Roll Morton and Coleman Hawking.

Pop music style

Pop music style is a non-academic and popular style and appeals to many people. It can be said that pop music is a style of music that is a combination of several other styles such as rhythm, rock, hip hop, etc. And this issue has led to its flexibility. The songs that are sung in this style of music are simple and do not have complex and specific harmonies, nor are they long and repetitive. The most famous artists of this style of music are Michael Jackson, Chris de Berg, Sting, Trent Renzor, Elton John and Danny Elfman.

Minimal music style

Minimal music style was born when musicians decided to use simple forms instead of complex forms. In fact, this style of music is not particularly complicated and has a simple harmony. This style of music has uniform pulses and in this style the number of notes and intervals are reduced. In addition, in this style of music, a lot of importance and attention is given to the chord, melody and keeping the rhythm constant . Famous people in this style of music Louis Andreessen, Terry Reilly, Lamonte Long.

Country music style

This style of music was popular among the residents of the southern United States, especially black people. This style of music is songs with a romantic and happy meaning, and at the same time, you express ethnic emotions, traditions, culture and emotions. This style of music is songs with a romantic and happy meaning, and at the same time, you express ethnic emotions, traditions, culture and emotions. And also its lyrics are very similar to the style of blues music. Popular country style and traditional country style are two separate and different styles

Electronic music style

This style of music is more popular in America and electronic instruments were used for the first time in this style. In fact, electronic music is a type of music that involves electrical processing such as editing and recording on tape. And overall, it is a combination of new world technology and creativity that has never been found in acoustic music.

In this style of music, the sound has excellent and uniform harmonics. The most important genres of this style include: chill-out, ambient music, electronica, electronic dance music, industrial music and crank.   And the famous artists of this style have been artists like Daft Punk and Apex Twin.

Opera music style

In fact This style of music is in the category of classical styles and is based on show and music. Classical music consists of three parts: introduction, aria and recitative. In fact, the style of opera music is a combination of music, acting, decor, literature, music, performance, stage design, singing and many other arts in the form of a single art. Among the famous artists of this style of music, we can mention Jacopo Peri and Claudio Monteverdi.

rap style

In the early 60s, black Americans used this style of music for their protests. This style includes a very fast and continuous rhythm. It is generally a type of music that is mostly used to express social problems and protests.

rap style

Hip hop style

Hip-hop style is one of the American music styles which is a combination of scratch and sound. In its performance, singing is performed in the form of rhythmic and rhyming speech as well as rapping. And all the music pieces are performed in beats known by the DJ and this also has a singer.

Many hip hop singers are active all over the world, such as Eminem, Hakim Artesh and etc. You can listen or download all kinds of hip hop songs online on Melorafy.

Other styles of music

  • Punk rock style
  • romantic
  • Ragtime style
  • New age style
  • Acoustic style
  • Swing style
  • Punk style
  • Latin style
  • Original style
  • Impressionism style
  • blues style
  • style Rhythm & Blues


  • ashki amin

    I like rock style

    • admin melorafy

      It's great that you can listen to rock music on Melorafa through the link below

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