MusicBiography of the great violinist Paganini
Biography of the great violinist Paganini

Biography of the great violinist Paganini

Within about 2 and a half centuries, numerous Paganini artists appeared all over the world and gained world fame as outstanding musicians and incomparable violinists, but it can be safely said that none of them could equal Paganini’s art.
Paganini’s immense power and skill in playing the violin was such that the common people believed that the spirit of the devil had settled in him, because no matter how capable a person is, he cannot play with this mastery.
The belief that the devil  dominates Paganini’s soul led to the creation of various stories and legends about this musical myth and even after his death prevented him from being buried in a Christian cemetery.
On the other hand, except for a handful, almost all violinists became famous simply for playing this difficult instrument. While Paganini, in addition to playing the mentioned instrument, was also a great composer, and playing each of his works shows the extraordinary power of playing.
The story of Paganini’s life and artistic activities have been influential not only in music but also in other arts, and especially in the performing arts, it became an interesting subject for filmmakers, and as a result, dozens of films were produced.

Paganini childhood with failure and regret

Antonio Paganini and Teresa Bouchardo, a working and poor couple, had a child on February 14, 1782, equivalent to February 25, 1160, in the port of “Genoa”, Italy, and they named him Niccolo.
From the age of five, Niccolo learned the mandolin (a smaller stringed guitar instrument) from his father Antonio and his mother Teresa, both of whom were amateur musicians, and after two years, he started playing the violin and learned the preliminary lessons of this instrument from his father.
Nicolo’s musical genius emerged from the very beginning so that after a few months he was able to play any piece at first glance.

Antonio Paganini was so strict with his son Niccolò’s violin training that Paganini later wrote in his memoirs: “It is difficult to imagine a more strict father than him. He made me hungry when I was not diligent enough in his eyes to redouble my efforts.” He used to watch me and punish me, which caused my body to weaken and my health to be in danger.
Niccolò was so fond of music that even the church bell made him go out of his normal state. In order to get results sooner, he had to practice his little violin for hours every day without playing and having fun with his peers.

His father didn’t send him to school, so Nicolo didn’t get a proper education. The child’s only education was familiarity with musical notes, and after that, with great effort and hard work, he practiced hard violin and learned violin techniques by himself, and soon he was able to play difficult pieces from the works of Bach, Corelli, Vivaldi, Tartini, Montordi, Play Viyuti and other famous composers of the world.

His father took him to a church concert and he played the violin with such mastery that everyone was amazed at his extraordinary talent. No one thought that this thin and ugly child would have reached that level of power in playing the violin without a teacher.

A childhood with failure and regret

After learning elementary music lessons from his father, Paganini continued to complete his knowledge under the supervision of Giovanni Ceruto, and at the age of 11, he surprised people by performing one of the most difficult violin concertos.

However, he went to Parma to learn better technical points and techniques of this instrument and worked with Alessandro Rola, a famous violinist. In 1797, he traveled to Lombardy to continue his studies, and a year later, at the age of 16, he reached a stage of perfection that the teachers were unable to teach him, and they all believed that there was no new material as a lesson and education for Paganini.

Since then, he has performed various concerts. He appeared for the first time as a soloist and traveled from city to city to perform in Italy and created miracles.
Paganini had not passed the composition course, but since his playing technique was much higher than the most difficult pieces of composers, he was forced to compose songs and did not limit his performances to the works of other composers. He could play the very difficult passages of the violin, the performance of which required a lot of skill, without practice in the blink of an eye.

Until then, many works of Mozart, Beethoven and Rossini had been performed in the hall, but people eagerly flocked to the concert hall to hear Paganini, to witness the genius of this artist.
Despite the presence of famous violinists such as Viotti, Rudolph Kreutzer, Pierre Rede, Pierre Baillot, etc. in the 18th century, Paganini surpassed all of them and emerged as the greatest “virtuoso” of the violin.

(Super professional musicians are called “virtuoso” of the same instrument. Out of hundreds of professional musicians, one reaches the virtuoso degree.)
Some music critics who saw Mozart’s performance 26 years ago, once again sharpened their ears to criticize the art of Paganini, the violin master.

Receive an expensive prize for playing the most difficult piece of music

Giovanni Pacini, the Italian composer, put his very difficult concert performance into a competition, and because he knew that no one could play his piece, he considered his expensive violin as a gift for a violinist who could play it.
Until then, many violinists had spent a long time rehearsing the concerto in this composer’s house in order to acquire the violin and test their talent, and despite the teacher’s instructions, they could not manage to perform it and believed that Pacini’s concerto The violin is not applicable.

Receive an expensive prize for playing the most difficult piece of music
Until one day when Paganini went to him, the mentioned composer, who did not know him, stared at his face for a while and because he was sure that he would not be able to perform his work like other musicians, he said: If you can do this concert without No problem, you will receive my Stradivarius violin.
Paganini replied: “In that case, you can say goodbye to your violin.” Then, without thinking, he played a concerto that he had never seen before, so easily and forcefully that Pacini passed out.
Paganini soon became famous and many students came to him. Meanwhile, a young cellist named Chiandelli came to him to use Paganini’s school.
Although Paganini had not worked with the cello, he was able to teach him some secrets of playing this instrument.
In a short period of time, Chiandelli became so good at playing this instrument that the Royal Orchestra of Naples hired him as the first cellist.

Violin performance by Satan or Paganini

Before that, Paganini had given concerts in most Italian cities and became famous. After years of traveling and performing concerts in European cities, he returned to Italy to participate in the Rome Carnival.
The people of Rome, who had heard about his fame, were not yet familiar with him, and therefore wanted to know who the owner of this great poem is.
In 1819, a great carnival was held in Rome with his presence. A large crowd could be seen in the large square of the city and many people rushed to the concert hall to see and hear the performance of this legendary violinist. It was known among the people that Paganini got the power to play from the devil.
On that night too, the audience kept asking each other and wanted to know about the past of this mysterious man who had no resemblance to an ordinary person and to see him up close.

At this time, a man appeared from the corner of the stage and came to the middle of the stage with an old violin in his hand. His wheat-like and stretched face, sunken cheeks, curved nose, tar-shaped eyes and his long black hair, which was loosely thrown over his shoulders, gave him such a mysterious look that the audience remained silent for a few seconds. Even a small smile that did not fit with his serious look could not have a favorable effect on the audience. However, when he bowed in the middle of the stage, everyone recognized Paganini, and after that, the crowd roared with applause.

When Paganini performed the concert pieces, all the audience, without exception, confirmed that they had never seen a musician with his mastery and power, because his techniques were so skillful that no other violinist could match him.

Violin performance by Satan or Paganini
Despite all this, no one could imagine that this professor has achieved what kind of sufferings and hardships he endured.
The sufferings that Paganini suffered during his life left a deep impression on his appearance and gradually his bony face and
He found a jump because he had been working as a musician since he was a child to earn money at the insistence of his father.

The audience in the concert hall, who had never seen such a master until then, remembered the rumors they had heard about Paganini seeking help from the devil. This idea became especially strong when Paganini started one of his famous pieces called “Dance of the Devil”.
One of the audience was so wild that he thought he was seeing the devil and suddenly shouted: “There, behind Paganini, the devil is standing and playing the violin, that’s enough, finish it!” Paganini had to stop the song and went aside, and people saw nothing except the curtain that was hanging behind the stage.
However, all the people were scared and some of them knelt down and drew a cross on their chest to be safe from the devil.

During his lifetime, Paganini was never praised as his art deserved. People who were still under the influence of religious illusions, instead of appreciating his art, attributed it to Satan and feared him. Because of this
Paganini’s superficial judgments avoided people for a long time. Paganini was the greatest musician that the world of music has seen. He was extremely ahead of the technique of his time.
In any case, despite myths such as his connection with the devil, his music is very human, his songs are sometimes so delicate and sensitive that few compositions can equal it, and sometimes he excites the listener so much that it is as if the sound of his violin still touches the hearts. He rules.

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