MusicHistory of world music
History of world music

History of world music

Music is an international language in the world which brings all the people of the world together. All the cultures of the world have their own list of songs, dances, melodies and sometimes musical instruments. It is difficult to say exactly when humans discovered music and when he developed it. But with the spread of music among remote tribes, we can guess that music has a very old history. And also, in the early days of human existence, they used music.

After a lot of research, neuroscientists found out that playing different types of musical instruments can stimulate the parts of a person’s brain more than anything else. This issue has led to the emergence of a new connection between different parts of the brain, and as a result, and it will result in faster action and more intelligence.

Continue this article with Melorafy to learn more about the mysterious history of world music.

Music at the beginning

Before we talk about the continuation of the history of music, we must say that no one can find information about the first people who were interested in teaching music and also understood and applied it. This is why we cannot assign the history of music to a precise time. But in general, it can be assumed that the History of world music goes back to the beginning of human creation.

In addition, there are differences of opinion among researchers about how to discover music. But one thing that is certain in the History of world music is that before people learned voice and speech They were also somewhat familiar with the art of music. Because the songs and weights and even the sounds that came out of the throats of the people of that time were among the first steps on the way to the creation of music.

Music at the beginning

It is clear that first of all there was weight and then sound was discovered. And it is clear that first of all weight appeared and after that sound appeared.

And about the development of musical instruments, we can say that musical instruments were first made of bones, then of materials such as intestines and plant fibers, and now of wires.

The point that we should pay attention to is that the history of music has always followed the path of perfection, and it has been able to influence religious ceremonies and dance.

The influence of Pythagoras on music

according to the legends of the History of world music, Pythagoras sounded a harp string and then measured its vibration amplitude and pitch, and then cut the string in half and measured its pitch And then round it again.

He named the difference between the range of the second and first strings as an octave and then divided the octave into 12 parts. Each point around the circle was found to be specific to one note, and the value of each note was exactly 1/12 octave lower or higher than the adjacent note. The only problem with the Pythagorean cycle was that he was not a musician The only problem with the Pythagorean cycle was that he was not a musician Even though the cycle was mathematically correct and a great improvement, some of the tweaks he proposed were not pleasing.

History of world music

In fact, the history of music goes backĀ  to many years ago. Following the research of archaeologists, some musical instruments have been found that date back to 5,000 to 7,000 years ago. Buddhists read their religious book through a kind of music And also their religious rituals are accompanied by singing and dancing. With the passage of time, the music gradually reached the path of perfection, then in 930 AD it found new divisions and after that it was combined with the letters of the alphabet. Until finally, in 1450 AD, the net was completed

History of Iranian music

generally The history of Iranian music is divided into two categories, which we will explain below.

Music before Islam

According to the statues in the territory of ancient Iran in Susa, A musical instrument similar to today’s tambur has been found, which is a symbol of a melodic instrument at that time.

Music before Islam

Also, in the sculptures of Taq Bostan, you can also see the works of wind instruments and also a harp group Most of the information we have about the History of world music in Iran is related to historical books and poems of the first centuries of the Islamic era. In general, we don’t have much information about the applied music and the way it was performed in that era.

Music after Islam

According to the available information about the history of Iranian music after Islam, it can be said that during the conquest of Iran by the Arabs until the end of the s12Caliphate, all types of music were prohibited.

Then, with the rise of the Umayyad dynasty, it can almost be said that music gained more freedom, and from that time until the time of the Abbasid caliphs, Iranian music was at its peak. In this period, people like Ibn Sina, Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi Farabi and many other people appeared in theoretical and practical music. And they boosted the history of Iranian music.

After that, with the emergence of Shiism in Iran and also after the Safavid kings came to power, Iranian music got a new color and flavor. It can be said that the styles that were used in the previous periods faded and Iranian music took on a national and Iranian color.

This trend reached its peak during the Qajar era and the instrument appeared in Iranian music during the Safavid era. And after that, the skilled musicians of that time verbally taught the students how to play musical instruments. In addition, in the same era, today’s net line made its way to Iran.

As we mentioned above, music is a very beautiful art and inseparable from people’s lives, which has changed a lot over time and will certainly change in the future. And that’s why we can say that knowing the history of world music helps you to have a better understanding of music.


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